Carrying on our invasive species series, we turn this month to the aquatic environment, and the signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus). The species is listed on Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), meaning it is an offence to release...
Bat Low Impact Class Licence is a type of bat licence which is granted by Natural England (or Natural Resources Wales, Scottish Natural Heritage), that permits activities which would ordinarily be unlawful. Legislation makes it an offence to destroy, damage or...
For development sites that have wildlife interest, Local Planning Authorities often apply a range of pre-commencement or pre-operation ecology planning conditions. Whilst pre-commencement planning conditions should not come as a surprise to applicants (see our related...
As we move into late winter, it’s that time of year when our ecologists start gearing up for the next survey season. It is also the last opportunity for our landscape architects to capture winter views of potential development before fresh leaf cover obscures views...
The Landmark Practice is often asked to advise on actions required to discharge pre-commencement planning conditions. As, by their very nature, such conditions delay commencement of works on-site, it is often a matter of some urgency to undertake the tasks and prepare...
When we are asked to design ecological mitigation schemes for developments we often suggest the incorporation of bird and bat boxes into the design. If we know birds and bats use the site, it can be a low cost solution to replace roost and nest sites that may be lost...