As most of our clients know, The Landmark Practice is still fully operational during the Covid19 pandemic and undertaking ecology phase ones, reptile surveys, bat surveys, landscape assessments, capturing views and carrying out feasibility studies, all in accordance with government guidelines and with the full team on board.

The last couple of months have certainly presented challenges and our first and foremost aim has been to keep our staff safe and comply with Government Covid19 restrictions and our Landscape Institute and CIEEM Industry Guidance.  Beyond this, we have been working hard to keep our projects on-track.  We strongly believe in the role that the development industry has to play in keeping our economy moving and are proud to be doing our part to enable this.

Our aim is to continue survey requirements whilst following government guidelines, ensuring that planning delays are kept to a minimum.  We are clearly working in a state of flux at present but are fortunate that the majority of the planning authorities that we are currently working with are demonstrating a clear will to keep the pipeline moving.  In some cases we are negotiating on our clients behalf regarding shortfalls in ‘best practice’ for field data that would ideally have been collected in April.  Whilst we would hope that in some cases a pragmatic approach can be agreed we are strongly advising our clients that Covid19 will not be seen by planning authorities or Natural England as a ‘get out of jail free card’ for missing survey information.

So, business as usual?  It’s fair to say that this is not the case, but we at Landmark are working full tilt to ensure that our clients are on track.  Please do get in touch if we can be of any assistance by emailing or by contacting the office on 0117 9230455 where you will be directed to a senior member of the team.

Best wishes and stay safe.