We are delighted to announce that planning approval has been secured for the conversion of redundant agricultural sheds into a pair of high-quality new homes within the Green Belt in Surrey.

Working closely with the design team, we delivered the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) which informed our Landscape Masterplan and the architectural proposals, to create a scheme which is sensitive to the local landscape character, views, and the setting of neighbouring listed buildings.

The two dwellings have been designed to ensure they retain the agricultural character of the existing buildings, by preserving their current form and through the choice of materials and finishes. The proposals include new native hedgerow and tree planting to provide enhancement for wildlife and screening of the dwellings. The new planting, in combination with the removal of additional dilapidated sheds, will enhance key views to the local landscape and listed buildings.

Many thanks to Strawsons Property, Impact Planning Services and Levitate Architects for working with us on this excellent scheme.

A great result for a great team.

Above image courtesy of Levitate Architects.