The project

The Landmark Practice has been working with developer, HAB, on a residential scheme in Hampshire and are pleased to say that this has now received a resolution to grant planning permission, subject to the completion of a section 106 agreement.  The scheme comprises for 50 units in the form of a combination of new houses and apartments and is located to the northeast of Kings Worthy, Hampshire.  The proposed development includes various landscape works including allotments, a bike park, and parkland.  The parkland has been designed to provide both recreation and nature conservation value and includes wild-flower meadows, walking and running tracks.  Also included within the application are works to expand the size of, and enhance the facilities within the existing, Eversley Park, on to which the proposed housing development area fronts

How we helped

The Landmark Practice provided support to HAB on landscape planning and undertook an initial appraisal of two site options to inform site design.  Once the site layout was reached, a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) undertaken to help optimise and inform the planning application.

The LVIA assessed the potential effects of the proposed development on visual amenity, together with the changes to the character and quality of the landscape.  It also determined the need for and scope of any mitigation required to address identified adverse effects.  Specific consideration was given to the siting of development within a Local Gap as well as the landscape and visual effect of the development on the setting of adjacent designations including the South Downs National Park.  The masterplan was informed by details discussions with Winchester City Council as well as consultation events.

“Many thanks for all your hard work in getting the project this far“

Isabel Allen, Design Director, HAB Housing