We’re pleased to announce that last week Sedgemoor District Council’s planning committee unanimously resolved to grant planning permission for residential development on the edge of Wedmore village. This fantastic scheme will deliver 38 new homes and is an extension to Wedmore Grange which is currently under construction.
Key to the scheme has been the retention and enhancement of the existing orchard on the site. This important landscape feature sits at the heart of the scheme and once restored, will provide an important community greenspace, a place for recreation and enhanced wildlife habitat. Orchards have increasingly been in decline over the last 5o years, yet these features have high landscape and biodiversity value, providing visual interest and important habitat for birds, bats, small mammals, fungi, invertebrates and lichens.
This feature, together with existing hedgerows and boundary trees around the site was highlighted early on in the landscape opportunity and constraints analysis for the site and sensitively incorporated within the layout. TLP went on to produce the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) and Landscape Masterplan to accompany the planning application.
We’re delighted that this feature , together with the hedgerows and boundary trees could be retained and enhanced. It’s testament to Strongvox Homes who again and again produce thoughtfully designed schemes which work with natural features on sites to deliver quality places for people to live and thrive.