Landmark’s Landscape team is delighted to announce that Plot ND6, now known as The Anvil, has just been granted outline planning permission. The building, which provides 83,223 sq ft Grade A office accommodation, spans seven floors and is located within Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone, between Avon Street and Old Bread Street.
Working with Linkcity (formerly Bouygues Development), Origin 3 and HKR Architects, our Chartered Landscape Planners prepared the Townscape and Visual Baseline Appraisal that supported the application. The Appraisal focussed on concerns previously expressed by Bristol City Council (BCC) over view corridors and the inter visibility between Temple Meads Station, a Grade I Listed Building, and Gardiner Haskins with its former Grade II Listed soap works.
Consultation between BCC and the consultant team informed the reconfiguration of the building to the shape we see today, retaining a sense of legibility and a view corridor between Gardiner Haskins and Temple Meads.