Ecology Services 

Our ecology team have extensive experience in assessing ecological value.

Our Bristol team has assesses the ecological value of sites for the purposes of development and research. 

As a CIEEM Registered Practice, we offer practical and realistic advice on ecological constraints and opportunities, to inform solutions that balance commercial and design needs with wildlife policy and law. We pride ourselves on understanding our clients’ business needs and objectives, which means that we can offer the best advice, tailored directly to the task.

Really impressed with The Landmark Practice. High levels of customer service combined with good quality technical advice and reports

Alastair Mumford

Regional Programme Manager, South West Energy Partnership

An expert commission

Our ecologists are all members of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) and our approach accords with BS 42020.

As experts in our field, we are able to analyse and present often complex survey data in readily accessible technical reports. Whether commissioned as part of an interdisciplinary team within the Practice, working independently, or alongside other disciplines within a project team, we guarantee to provide you with an unbiased and objective approach to ecological assessment.

The Landmark Practice have worked with Etex to provide a professional and responsive service, acknowledging our design and commercial needs and working well with the wider design team. The Landmark team were proactive, offering pragmatic solutions to challenges that arose during the planning application including liaison and negotiation with consultees, both at the Local Planning Authority and in the Statutory Nature Conservation Organisation, to achieve planning consent.

Peter Dowlen

Project manager, Construction , Etex Building Performance Ltd

What we do

Biodiversity and Ecology Surveys

Our Bristol ecology team offers a comprehensive range of surveys, covering all UK habitats and species, undertaken by experienced and licensed ecologists. Read more…

Habitats Regulations Assessment

Screening, scoping, analysis and reporting to provide the Competent Authority with information needed to carry out an HRA Screening or Appropriate Assessment. Read more…

Compensation, Mitigation & Enhancement

Guidance and delivery of practical, targeted and cost-effective mitigation and compensation strategies, from the installation of bat boxes, to large-scale habitat creation. Read more…

Habitat Management Plans

Preparation of management plans that deliver site-specific management objectives, coupled with effective monitoring schemes. Read more…

Supervision & Method Statements

Provision of working method statements, experienced Clerk of Works support and delivery of ‘toolbox talks’ to contractors. Read more…

Ecological Assessment 

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Ecology Impact Assessment to inform development schemes and accompany planning applications. Read more…

BREEAM (CfSH) Ecological Assessment

Ecology elements of BREEAM Assessments and Code for Sustainable Homes scheme assessment with advice to help achieve maximum credits. Read more…

Protected Species Licence Applications

Preparation of applications and negotiation to secure protected species mitigation licences, including those for bats, dormouse and great crested newt. Read more…

Ecological Design

Ecosystem led design that adds practical, social and economic value to development and restoration schemes, by integrating the benefits of nature with the built environment. Read more…

Ecological Monitoring

Preparation, implementation and reporting of ecological monitoring strategies to address statutory, planning and scientific commitments. Read more…