Site Appraisal & Allocations
Site Appraisal, Capacity, and feasibility studies
Sound project investment planning is founded, not least, on a broad understanding of the likely planning and environmental constraints and opportunities associated with a particular site or sector. Our site appraisals and preliminary planning analyses give clients an early steer on the feasibility, cost and programme for promoting a site, for proceeding with the proposed development, and on the most effective approach to design and mitigation.
Site Allocations and Green Belt Review
The promotion of land for development, whether through a planning application or site allocation in a Local Plan, must be underpinned by a robust, accurate and up to date evidence base. This is even more important when bringing forward land designated as Green Belt and sites in environmentally sensitive locations.
In these areas, the presumption is normally against development, so a strong, evidence-based case to justify such proposals is needed.
The Landmark Practice are our environmental partners of choice. They’ve been instrumental in helping us succeed in around 15 planning applications a year. Flexible and responsive, cost-effective and easy to work with, this is a long term relationship that works for The Lower Mill Estate.