The Landmark Practice is extremely proud to have supported the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in successful delivery of a pilot programme for ground mounted, solar photovoltaic development within operational Army sites.
Working to Public Power Solutions Ltd and the Army’s delivery partner, the Defence Infrastructure Organisation, Landmark provided Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Ecology and Landscape services in support of delivery four schemes under project ‘Prometheus.’
Duke of Gloucester Barracks, Gloucestershire: A 2.4 acre site, with circa 1.4 MW of electricity from the array proposed to account for a third of the total energy usage of the site over the course of a year. Landscape and Visual Appraisal and Ecology Assessment were undertaken and a key aspect for the success of this scheme was agreement of a sensitive approach to overall enhancement of existing high-quality, biodiverse grassland and protection of associated wildlife.
Rock Barracks, Suffolk: With potential constraints in terms of ground nesting birds associated with the nearby Sandlings Special Protection Area (SPA), an 8.5 acre site was carefully selected within this Barracks that will provide circa 1.5 MW of electricity. Ecological surveys and assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) were undertaken to inform the scheme and a precautionary method of working devised to ensure that any adverse effects were avoided.
Baker Barracks, Thorney Island, West Sussex: This 1.5 MW scheme was Screened as requiring EIA on the basis of nearby designated areas (Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, South Downs National Park and the Solent Maritime European Marine Site), Landmark coordinated the EIA and prepared a focussed Environmental Statement that demonstrated that ecology and landscape sensitivities were addressed by the scheme, and that long-term management would result in long term enhancement for breeding birds.
Normandy Barracks, Leconfield, Yorkshire: The largest of the four schemes (2.3 MW generating capacity), previously used as a sand driving track as part of the Defence School of Transport (DST) this site was the least sensitive of the pilot sites in ecological terms. The disturbed nature of the site offered substantial opportunities for ecological enhancement which was proposed as part of the scheme.
Climate change is one of the greatest environmental challenges facing our world today and the Army is committed to reducing current carbon emissions from the Army Estate to hit government net zero targets. The success of Project Prometheus is an excellent first step on this path and one that we are very pleased to have been able to support.
‘The Landmark Practice has been highly effective in supporting planning applications and construction for these sites. We have benefitted from their experience, their adherence to deadlines and their ability to complete high quality work whilst engaging with inhouse SMEs and stakeholders effectively. We are grateful for their excellent contribution.’
Maj DR Owen RIFLES, Sustainability, Efficiency and Exploitation (SEE) Team.