Student Placement

Student Placement

 Image: Bat call data collected by the ecology team The Landmark team has been pleased and privileged to be joined over recent weeks by George, a student of MSc Environmental Management at the University of the West of England.  George joined us for a consultancy...
Hazel Dormice in Leigh Woods

Hazel Dormice in Leigh Woods

Photo credit: Sam Rogers The hazel dormouse is one of Britain’s rarest and perhaps most adorable mammals. Most people will never see one in the wild, due to their tiny stature and reclusive nature. Luckily for The Landmark Practice (TLP), Principal Ecologist Sam...
Invasive Species Series: Oak Processionary Moth

Invasive Species Series: Oak Processionary Moth

For the next blog in our invasive species series we are moving from flora to fauna – the oak processionary moth (Thaumetopoea processionea). While there is no current legislation concerning this species, the GB Non-Native Species Secretariat nonetheless name it...